Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My First Attempt At Being Philosophical

   “The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.” - Aristotle

I frequent a blog called Some see it as, but I'm not keeping score.

Basically, the premise of the blog is to provide as many freelance bloggers as possible a platform for them to contribute to a growing archive of lists about Fashion, Love, Beauty, Wellness, Celebrities, Dating ... well you get the picture. From the beginning of my discovery of this hidden gem, I have learned everything from the 10 Signs You Are Dating the Guy of Your Dreams…
to 7 Mistakes Women Make At Parties, and How To Avoid Them to 15 Tips for Passing Exams Successfully … Seriously, if there's something you want to know - I guarantee my handy website has addressed the issue and covered it in the utmost comprehensive manner as possible.

As I was browsing the headlines and starring the ones I would surely return to later, I clicked on a 9 Things We Cannot Live Without list. I agreed with the top couple of items. Surely we need H20 (or my and who would argue with needing food and the sun? Yes..the list was that literal. But then our resident bloganista Aprille Ross started to get a little crazy with her suggestions. She concluded the list with money and the Internet. Talk about getting technical.

Okay Aprille - so we see where your alliances lie and remind never to accidently cut off your wifi for fear of death, but couldn't you be at least a little philosophical in your needs to thrive? What about happiness? a sense of purpose? healthy relationships?

Have we as a society gotten so far off track that our list of top priorities comprises of literally food water money and the Internet? Throw in some food and electricity and you have yourself a functioning robot.

I'm not sure what my 9 things I cannot live without list would look like, but I hope that it would include satisfaction, humanity and peace. If not all 3 then at least 1 of them. Lately I have started to realize life is about more than meals, the gym and class. To the average college student, those 3 things ARE life. But once you switch the sorority tees for business casual - something has to be driving you to continually grow and prosper in this cat and mouse world.

But what is it? Is it really dollar signs in your eyes? Or is it more than the need to feel needed or the strive to be a part of something bigger than yourself?

With the shifted focus of this blog to "reflections on human nature" I promise it will not be a continual griping on the lack of emotion and depth in our world but rather a kind of "world as i see it: including the good, the bad and the ugly." Not sure where it will go after that though, stay tuned.

I hope you appreciate that I am continually refining my focus and improving the content. If you aren't working towards something then what are you doing really? I need to find a good quote out there that sums it all up but until now I'll leave you with one question.

What can't you live without? And if you say money and the internet then you should hit up Aprille Ross. You two have loads to talk about. Perhaps you can IM each other.