Friday, January 4, 2013

No fireplace, but it's getting warm in here


One doesn't just move into an apartment and write a blog about it without addressing the housewarming process. And I don't mean in the party sense, because if you've ever moved into an apartment you know that the real parties happen long before the official wine and cheese I-no-longer-have-a-bank-account-so-appreciatemyart classy party.

I'm talking about the housewarming gifts. The elusive it's not my birthday or Hanukkah but where are the goods time, when no one is allowed to walk in empty-handed for fear of missing out on next month's (week's) ragefest. So herein lies the issue.

If you're about to head over to your friend's new place, for god sakes put down the orchid. Put down the mezuzah and seriously I probably won't ever open your cheap bottle of white wine unless I'm lonely and it's a night that ends in Y. Okay, the wine can go back in the bag. But do you know what we really want, us 20-somethings who can't afford, like, anything?

A freaking case of water bottles. That's the kind of stuff we can't go to mom and dad for. Think outside the box. What do you think we need most? It's not a scented candle if that was your next guess. Even a picture frame (picture included, come on now) would do. It's functional too, wherever I put it is one less space I have to fill.

Next time when you shop for your friend's new digs, just know that she's probably been eyeing those coasters at Urban and she'll probably love you forever for showing up with them. We drink in our 20s, FYI. Be that friend that's useful. The one that people actually like to have around. You'll thank me later.

Happy Weekending,