I'd like to think that we live our lives within a series of Sliding Doors. There are countless paths we choose to take each day, each month and each year. Especially, each year. Universities, careers and relationships chosen are a culmination of the forks in the road that we follow down the path of life. How often do you look back though, and think "my mistake." How many times does that fleeting moment of regret hit you each day? For some of us, the feeling of dread and regret follows us like a shadow. The other, more fortunate set, make their choices and go with it without looking back. Oh do I wish I had what they had.
I pose to you today though, don't fall victim to the constant agitation of always looking back and what could have happened. The phrase mea culpa, which literally translates to my mistake, or my fault, rears its ugly head in far too many 20 year old young adults. It's just a nuisance. If you feel like there is something you should have done, then do it today, but if the moment has passed then let it bury itself.
To quote Wikipedia (the highest form of literary work, no doubt) the origin of the expression is from a prayer of confession of sinfulness. Making a mistake is not sinning. Nor is taking the wrong path.
So, rather than convincing yourself of making a mistake, look at it as an opportunity to perceive or recognize how you can change, AKA discern...which naturally, is latin for "to learn."