Don’t you just hate it when I’m right? Seriously. Put down the BlackBerry and the coffee and listen up.
Do it. No, not it it, I’m not encouraging anything drastic here. I’m just giving you the little shove that you don’t realize you need - to do something you love. Like Elle Woods said in “Legally Blonde,” “Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't.” You don’t want to be a husband murderer do you? So do it. Go and find something you love in the world that makes you smile. And it’s okay if you’re not experiencing an Oprah “Aha” moment. It could take some time. But start thinking about it. Instead of just getting through the day and hoping you make it to dinner without dropping dead of exhaustion first, start noticing when you find yourself smiling. Think about why you smiled, what made you laugh or feel good inside. Whether it was by picking up a piece of trash to make the world a cleaner place or just being around friends and family, there has to be something that you enjoy doing. I’m not uber religious – but people do say God put us here on earth for a reason. So don’t disappoint!
Find your calling!
There, ill step off my soapbox for the day and get back to whatever it was I was doing. Okay so studying doesn’t make me happy, but shopping with all the money that I’m gonna make as a famous Journalist will be quite the reward. Success can be quite sweet!
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