iWant. iNeed. iSee. iLike.
iPad? The inner technology geek in me craves the granddaddy version of the iPhone. Its just so: awe-inspiring.
So close, yet so very far away.
Not only does the iPad debut tomorrow, but Apple’s newest creation that sent shockwaves through the internet community (but has somehow craftily avoided mainstream hype) is still about $500 over my budget. Which now rests at a comfortable $0.
I just can’t quite justify exactly why I need the iPad, which I think is its biggest problem thus far. It’s not like telling dad you need a new phone, computer or tv, which have all found their niches in our content driven society, there’s no real reason to own the ipad.
Its cool, I’ll gladly label it that. But somehow Apple forgot about its younger than 30 set who don’t have a disposable income to spend $500 on a not-quite-a-phone but not-quite-a-computer.
So if you can think of some urgent reason why the iPad will help me get better grades (for you dad), get a boyfriend (for you mom and grandma) or live a better life … then please, help my case.
Because as of now, one thing I can’t say is iPaid.
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