Sometimes, when I’m bored, I read Blogs and various news sites that detail the dos and don’ts of having an internship. For example, do: be bright and alert every morning, without fail. Don’t: wear last night’s eyeliner and guzzle a venti latte like you’ll never see caffeine again. Could send the wrong message. So you see, I’ve tastefully skimmed through the various rants and raves on the Internet while aggregating and mentally summing up how to be the perfect intern. Then it got me thinking. (As if I'm ever not thinking).
What exactly is a perfect intern? Or more importantly, who owns this title? Is it the someone who is dutiful, prompt and put together? Or is it the someone who may be a little less about outward appearances but off the charts in talent and skill? Almost a catch-22, no? What kind of person do you want out there touting a past internship with your company like a brand ambassador? Because that’s what we are, really. Google’s calling dibs on the back row geek who’s tuning out the teacher and tuning into this month’s Wired Mag. And you bet DKNY or fill-in-the-blank NYC PR firm wants those pretty faces and socialites. Hand me that application. I kid.
But what happens when Google needs to send out an intern to recruit future tech-savvy and Internet hungry minds? Social skills are a must. And what about that PR firm or fashion company who needs someone to chart their growth and interpret the metrics? They didn’t teach that on Project Runway. The world needs a blend of interns. Companies need a range of up and comers, the ones who forget to read the Do’s and Don’ts (okay read the don’ts) but rather someone who owns what they bring to the table. Someone who is confident in their abilities and isn’t afraid to exude it day in and day out. It’s not about “looking the part” I'm serious, it isn’t. It’s about being the part; it’s about being the person they hired you to be.
So you see. There is no perfect intern. No one can wear all the hats in the world (although the Royal Wedding could give you a run for your moolah) and I beg you to find me someone who is fluent in C++, HTML, Vuitton and America’s Next Top Model. Good luck. And if you need some extra help, hit up the Starbucks Venti Latte: it’ll have you buzzing for days.
There are more well-rounded people out there than you seem to think :-) I know many girls (including myself) well-versed and equally interested in html, codecs, social networking, and Vuitton.