Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. - Dalai Lama

In the spirit of this brand new quest, I have a few promises I intend to uphold. I will lay them out here, as a constant reminder that the creation of this blog was for a purpose and not just because I think what I have to say is critical to the well being of the free world. True to my title, this daily chronicle is a chance for me to open myself up to everyone and anyone ( take mind. remove from gutter.) who has a story to share. First and foremost, I will write about what I really, truly think. I won't guard myself for fear of rejection, because that inhibits free flowing and honest dialogue. If I have an awful day that drives me damn near tears, you will hear about it. If I have an innovative idea, you will hear about it (no reaping the benefits though). But most of all, this is my first step in what I hope will help me build an online community of adventuresome, intellectual and sincerely honest people.

Happy Tuesday,