Sunday, May 23, 2010

She's baaaaaack

How did I get back here again, computer? I started the blog not because I thought I'm awesome and my life is great (shout out to Jessica's Daily Affirmation on Youtube) but because I had a steady stream of ideas and witticisms that I wanted to share with my eager audience. Alas, alack I revved up the old writing engine and got my creative juices flowing. 10 posts and 100+ blog views later, the well ran dry.

Looks like my followers are going to have to settle on listening to my life in its entirety. Not that the existence of a young, jewish single about Dallastown isn't fascinating in of itself. Please, who are we kidding? Dallas is the younger and less cooler but diehard wannabe version of Los Angeles, you can't deny. And I am here to utterly reap the hand-me-down benefits. So far, Summer 2010 has been 50% everything I ever wanted and 50% everything my parents ever wanted for me. It's funny the way life works isn't it?

So say hello to my daily mon-fri 9-5 routine. I will walk you through it like an LA reject working the nightshift at the Dallas Museum of Art. iPhone-turned-alarm-clock goes off at 8. I'm out the door 8:30 listening to Kidd Kraddick in the morning all the way to my Microeconomics class commencing at 9. Kidd has been on the radio for as long as i can remember and I embrace the time I can spend with him and his team of entertaining workaholics. keep doin yaw thang. I spend 3 hours with a bunch of state school kiddos who need a boost in their GPAs and opted for summer school. Hey, I never said I wasn't one of them.

Class ends. I rush to car. I come home, quick change of clothes to go from drab to fab. eat some lunch and off I go! Only to arrive at the most fabulous internship ever invented, ever. Did I say ever? I meant to. At North Texas Kids Magazine, I sit with my head boss and second in command boss-turned instaBFF (Dr. Riordan and Heidi, respectively) from 1-5 being the extra set of eyes, ears, hands, brain and the like. Don't you wish you had one of me?

Anyways, I love it and I think it loves me. June wedding planned. Stay tuned.

So there's my cooler-than-yours life. Next to come: what happens when you find love at community college? or how to let your smarter-than-you boss win on words with friends? life can be complicated, but i didn't say it wasn't fun!!

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